Episode 12

On today’s Episode of A Day In Her Life, I sit down with Erin DiMella and Meg Nugent, sisters, moms and owners of Buggy Box Co, curated craft boxes for creative kids. Meg and Erin take us through their days, how they came up with Buggy Box Co, and how they manage to work together as sisters and moms of busy kids ranging in age from 7 to 2. We talk about the myth of balance, the power and importance of moms groups (a topic close to my heart), and how they source inspiration for their boxes in their everyday lives with their kiddos. Thank you so much to Meg and Erin for joining me on today’s episode, I had so much fun chatting with you both, and I am so excited to try out my Buggy Box with my kiddo! 

There won’t be an episode next week due to the 4th of July, but we’ll be back on July 11th with a great episode! Thank you again for listening! I started A Day In Her Life out of my own curiosity of how other women get it all done, and I hope you are enjoying learning from each other and normalizing our everydays. If you’re feeling inclined, I have a little listener survey on ADayInHerLife.com and I would love if you could fill it out! Alright, now onto the Episode, let’s have some fun!

Buggy Box Co. - shop online or in person at Tadpole in the South End

Resources and Communities Meg and Erin valued as new moms in Charlestown, South End, and Winchester

Little Lovage Club - Moms Groups in the Back Bay/South End area

Asana Charlestown

Meagan Fitzgerald

Sweat with Lauren Hefez - Winchester

If you’re in the Boston Metro area and looking for a new moms group, please reach out!


Episode 13


Episode 11