Mini-Episode 2 - Books and Reading with Ellie

Because of the holiday week, this week’s episode is a Mini-Episode focused on books and reading. We might not always do mini-episodes on holiday weeks, but it felt fitting for this week.

I was doing some reflecting on the episodes thus far, and one of the themes that has come up with a number of the guests has been reading. I believe I talked about it with Christina, Kate, Julia, Claire, Zara, Caro, and next week’s guest Liz. I love love love reading. It is definitely one of my most texted-about themes with my friends because I love sharing a good book recommendation or sourcing one when I am in need. 

And since we usually don’t go too deep into books in the episode, I thought a mini-episode format could be a great way to share recs, and maybe get more from other guests and friends.

Below are all of the links to all of the books or apps mentioned in the episode, and I would love to hear from you on Instagram or (if you’re listening on Spotify the Q&A) where you get your book recommendations, which authors I should try, and what thrillers I should read.


Great Books Narrated by the Author

Books I Loved with Magical Realism

Fantasy Books I Loved - 

Books I Have Loved This Year

BRADs I Have Loved This Year


Tracking Reads:

 Up Next

What’s On My Holds List

Where Do I Get Book Recommendations


Episode 20


Episode 19